How to Properly Ventilate When Applying Acrylic Nails at the Salon

If you’ve ever applied or had acrylic nails done, you probably noticed one thing right away: the strong smell of monomer! While the smell is a normal part of working with acrylics, it can be a bit too much at times. That’s why it's super important to make sure your salon is well-ventilated when doing acrylic nails.

In this blog, we’ll talk about the best ways to keep your salon space fresh and airy, even when working with strong-smelling products like monomer. We’ll also share how Kiara Sky’s high-quality monomer and our new Scented Monomer Drops can help make your salon experience even more pleasant!

Why Is Ventilation Important?

First things first—why is ventilation so important when working with acrylic nails? The answer is simple: monomer fumes. Monomer is the liquid used in acrylic nail services, and when it’s mixed with acrylic powder, it releases fumes. These fumes can be strong and irritating to your nose and throat if there’s no fresh air.

Without proper ventilation, you and your clients might feel uncomfortable, and some people might even get headaches or feel dizzy. Plus, a stuffy salon with a lingering smell isn’t fun for anyone. Good ventilation helps keep everyone happy, healthy, and breathing easy!

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Best Ways to Ventilate Your Salon

Now that we know why it’s important, let’s talk about how to properly ventilate your salon when applying acrylic nails. There are several simple things you can do to keep the air clean and fresh.

1. Open Windows and Doors

One of the easiest ways to get fresh air into your salon is by opening windows and doors. Fresh air helps push out the strong fumes and brings in clean air from outside. It’s one of the most affordable and effective ways to ventilate, especially on a nice day when there’s a breeze.

If you have windows or doors in your salon, try to keep them open while you’re working with acrylic nails. This will help reduce the smell and make the space feel more comfortable for everyone.

2. Use a Ventilation System

If you want to take your ventilation up a notch, consider installing a ventilation system. These systems are made specifically to remove fumes, dust, and chemicals from the air, which makes them perfect for salons.

There are two main types of ventilation systems:

  • Local Exhaust Ventilation (LEV): This system pulls fumes and dust directly from your nail station and sends them outside. It’s great because it targets the air right where you’re working.
  • General Ventilation: This system keeps the whole room ventilated by moving fresh air in and pushing bad air out. It’s helpful for keeping the entire salon fresh and clean.

Both types of systems work well, but having a local exhaust system at each nail station is especially effective for handling strong smells from monomer and other products.

3. Use a Fan

If you can’t install a full ventilation system, a fan is another good option. Fans help circulate the air in your salon and keep it from feeling stuffy. You can place a small fan on your nail table or use a larger one in the room to move the air around.

Just make sure the fan isn’t blowing directly on your nails, as this can make the acrylic dry too fast! Instead, place it off to the side, so it helps push the fumes away without affecting your work.

4. Air Purifiers

Air purifiers are another great tool for keeping your salon air clean. They work by filtering out fumes, dust, and other particles from the air. Some air purifiers even have special filters designed to remove chemical smells, which is perfect for monomer fumes.

Adding an air purifier to your salon is a smart way to reduce the smell of monomer and keep the air fresh, especially if you’re working in a smaller space with limited ventilation.

5. Take Regular Breaks

When you have a busy day full of clients, the monomer smell can build up over time. That’s why it’s important to take regular breaks and let the air clear out. Even a short 10-minute break between clients can help reduce the smell and give your space a chance to air out.

During your breaks, you can open a window, turn on a fan, or step outside for some fresh air. This will make the smell less intense and keep your salon feeling fresh throughout the day.

6. Use Sealed Containers for Monomer

Another easy way to reduce fumes is by keeping your monomer stored in a sealed container when you’re not using it. Leaving monomer out in an open dish can let the smell spread through your salon. By using a sealed container, you can keep the fumes contained and reduce the overall smell in your workspace.

You can also pour just a little monomer into your dish at a time. This way, you’re not leaving large amounts of liquid sitting out and releasing fumes into the air.

7. Keep Your Workspace Clean

A clean workspace is a happy workspace! After each client, make sure to wipe down your nail station, throw away used products, and clean your tools. This will help keep the smell of monomer from lingering and keep your salon fresh for the next client.

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Extra Tip: Use Kiara Sky’s Scented Monomer Drops

If you’re looking for an extra way to reduce the strong smell of monomer, you’ll love Kiara Sky’s Scented Monomer Drops! These drops are specially made to mask the smell of monomer without affecting how it works.

Kiara Sky’s Scented Monomer Drops come in three delightful scents:

  1. Fresh + Clean – A crisp, refreshing scent that’s perfect for any salon.
  2. Cotton – A soft, cozy scent that feels light and airy.
  3. Lavender – A soothing, calming scent that helps create a relaxing vibe.

To use them, just add 2-3 drops to your monomer dish before you start working. The drops will make your salon smell lovely, and your clients will appreciate the extra effort to keep the air fresh!

Plus, don’t forget that Kiara Sky’s Professional Liquid Monomer is also a great choice if you want a high-quality monomer that works well and has a lower odor. When you use top-notch products like these, it’s easier to keep your salon smelling and feeling fresh all day long.

Keep Learning: What are scented monomer drops?

Final Thoughts

Proper ventilation is key to creating a healthy, comfortable environment for both you and your clients when doing acrylic nails. By using a combination of fresh air, fans, ventilation systems, and air purifiers, you can keep the monomer fumes under control and make your salon a more enjoyable place to be.

And don’t forget to try Kiara Sky’s Scented Monomer Drops to add a pleasant touch to your salon! With three amazing scents to choose from, they’ll help make your workspace smell fresh, clean, and inviting.

By following these tips, you can keep your salon well-ventilated and your clients happy, one fresh breath at a time!

Keep Learning: How to reduce the smell of monomer